A Circular Economy is based on the idea that there is no such thing as waste. Instead, it ensures sustainable growth over time through recycling, reusing, and renewing existing materials and resources. The circular life cycle is all about keeping items for longer, repairing rather than replacing, learning to buy only what you need, and most importantly recycling.
Why is it important?
The most important aspect of a circular economy is it allows us to reduce the consumption of raw materials to ultimately preserve and enhance natural capital by recovering all waste through a process flow that is both efficient and effective. It guarantees that waste will not end up in landfills, waterways, and other places it doesn’t belong.
What are the benefits?
- Reducing pressure on the environment
- Improving the security of the supply of raw materials
- Stimulating innovation
- Fewer Emissions
- More resources preserved
How do we do it?
Recycle, Recycle, Recycle! Disposing of your waste appropriately so it does in fact end up in the correct place to be reused and renewed to create sustainability. Essentially, we need to consume less, taking it back to the point of only buying what we absolutely need, though in saying this, what we do need to consume we need to do it better. This can be done by choosing versions of products that have been produced in more sustainable ways