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Resourceful Living Kitchen

The kitchen can be a hard one to swap over, as most of the time things last and it can be expensive to swap over. Though I encourage you that when things need replacing check out these easy tips to start the journey to a more eco-friendly kitchen.

  1. Buy cookware that lasts

We know it can seem expensive, but saving up and purchasing quality cookware in the long run with save you because you can be rest assured that they will serve you many meals. Also assess what sort of meals you cook, as buying pots/pans separately can be more beneficial than opting for the standard pack.

2. Avoid Non-Stick Pans

I know people that swear by the non-stick, but that is why we have access to butter or a range of cooking oils to help us in the kitchen to stop food from sticking. From experience, not being the greatest cook, that it is easy to get things to stick. However, the chemicals used in non-stick pans are not worth your while. One of the chemical compounds known as the perfluorinated compound is emitted when the cookware is heated. This vapour can be potentially deadly if taken in too quickly.

3. Cook at Home

Save money, and cook at home. This is not only cheaper but allows you to know exactly what ingredients is in the food. For me, sitting down on a Sunday and organising all the meals and then going grocery shopping means I do not overspend when I go grocery shopping and save money by being organised. Especially on those busy days when the last thing I feel like doing is cooking.

4. Buy local and in season

I hear people all the time complain about the cost of their grocery shop. Did you know that if you purchase your fresh fruit and vegetables based on the season you will see a considerable drop in the overall cost of your shopping? Even though you can buy particular fruit and veg all year doesn’t mean you should. Regardless of how we farm, this is not sustainable. Support the in season and watch your bill decrease.

5. Make a list

As I touched on before, making a list before you head to the shops will limit how much you buy. I also make my list by location, so there is no reason to go down every aisle. This in itself stops me from walking past something and placing it into the trolley because I “saw it.”

If you have any other ways to be more eco friendly and sustainable in your kitchen, please do let us know!

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