Recycling can be confusing. Across Australia, different councils have different rules and regulations about what they will pick up from their curbside bin. So we want to help you make recycling easy at home. Get the kids involved and make it a game. Get the grandparents involved and show the people in your network how recycling can make change.
One thing at Resourceful Living we are determined to do is make products exclusively from old waste. That is right, 100% of our plastic is recycled. We use no virgin plastic in our products.
Globally only 10-15% of plastic gets recycled, meaning 85-90% of plastic is sitting in landfills, oceans, rivers and really just scattered throughout our environment. We all need to do our part and get back to basics with our recycling. A couple of minutes each day set aside to recycle, can make a difference.
Even though our recycling waste is low, Resourceful Living, wants to encourage recycling so we can continue to make products using these materials.
One thing we really want to stress is before we even get to recycling.
We need to ask ourselves – “Do we need this product”
Instead of buying bottled water, take around a refill drink bottle, or instead of purchasing veggies in plastic wrap, take a reusable bag with you to the shops.
Making small changes can make all the difference.
Have you ever looked at the contents of your curbside bin at the end of the week? One way to think of the bin waste, is your money. The less waste you throw away or recycle means the more money you have saved and it hasn’t just been thrown away.
We have a few recycling tips to make it easy for your household and to be part of the plastic revolution.
Recycling Tips
- Create a 3 bin set up in your home – General Waste, Recycling and Compost
- Pop containers through the wash to remove any food and to stop odors. We send ours through the dishwasher
- You do not need to use a plastic bag to hold your recycling. Pop it all straight into the bin or basket dry.
- Take plastic bags and other soft plastics to Redcycle.
- Don’t recycle anything less than a credit card size
By following these few tips, you can make recycling easy in your home.
For more information on how you can recycle check out our cheat sheet.